Most used verbs in Spanish

- Verbos más usados en español

To better understand and express yourself correctly, you need to know the verbs. Here we present some of the most used verbs in Spanish.

In Spanish, infinitive verbs are finished in "ar", "er" or "ir".

Some verbs are regular. In the next lesson we will learn how they are conjugated.

The other verbs are irregular. Click on the blue buttons to know how to conjugate them.

30 most used verbs in Spanish

  • Almorzar - to lunch Conjugate
  • Aprender - to learn
  • Bailar - to dance
  • Beber - to drink
  • Caminar - to walk
  • Cenar - to dine
  • Cocinar - to cook
  • Comer - to eat
  • Comprar - to buy
  • Conducir - to drive  Conjugate
  • Correr - to run
  • Desayunar - to breakfast
  • Entrar - to enter
  • Estudiar - to study
  • Gustar - to like
  • Hablar - to speak
  • Invitar - to invite
  • Ir - to go  Conjugate
  • Jugar - to play  Conjugate
  • Levantar (se) * - to get up
  • Mirar - to watch
  • Nacer - to be born  Conjugate
  • Pasear - to stroll
  • Salir - to go out  Conjugate
  • Trabajar - to work
  • Ver - to see  Conjugate
  • Visitar - to visit
  • Vivir - to live

* - Reflexive verbs

Some examples of verbs in Spanish

Hola, mi nombre es Jorge. Nací en España pero vivo en Estados Unidos. Hablo español e inglés. Me gusta aprender nuevos idiomas. Estudio francés e italiano. Trabajo en un banco. Entro a las 9:00 y salgo a las 17:00. Los viernes trabajo desde mi casa. No me gusta conducir. Camino todos los días hasta mi trabajo. Me gusta cocinar e invitar amigos a cenar.

My name is Jorge. I was born in Spain but I live in the United States. I speak spanish and english. I like to learn new languages. I study French and Italian. I work in a bank. I enter at 9:00 and leave at 17:00. On Fridays I work from home. I don't like to drive. I walk to my work every day. I like to cook and invite friends to dinner.

Hola, soy María. Habitualmente me levanto a las 7:00. Desayuno a las 7:30. Bebo café. Luego voy a trabajar. A las 12:00, almuerzo. Cuando salgo del trabajo, voy a correr o a jugar tenis. Por último compro la comida.

Los fines de semana paseamos con mis amigas por el parque. A veces comemos en un restaurant. No me gusta ir a bailar. Si llueve, miro televisión o visito a mis padres.

Hello I am Maria. I usually get up at 7:00. I have breakfast at 7:30. I drink coffee. Then I go to work. At 12:00 I have lunch. When I get off work, I go running or play tennis. Finally I buy the food.

On weekends we walk with my friends in the park. Sometimes we eat in a restaurant. I don't like to go dancing. If it rains, I watch TV or visit my parents.

Thanks for the photos Christian Buehner on Unsplash and Stephanie Liverani on Unsplash

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