Adjetivos - Adjectives
Adjectives describe and provide details about people and things. They must agree in gender and number with the noun.
The adjective is placed next to the noun, many times after:
- La camisa blanca - The white shirt.
- La mochila nueva - The new backpack
You can also refer to the noun with a verb, mainly the verbs "ser" and "estar":
- Carlos es simpático - Carlo is nice.
- Mariana está enferma - Marianna is ill.
The gender of the adjectives is linked to the end of the word. The simplest form is the ending -o for masculine and the ending -a for feminine, which are used for people and things.
- El vestido blanco - The white dress
- La camiseta blanca - The white T-shirt.
Other adjectives form the gender differently: if the masculine ends in a consonant, the feminine ends in -a.
- trabajador - trabajadora - worker,
- investigador - investigadora - researcher
- español - española - Spanish
Invariable adjectives
Some adjectives are invariable, that is, they do not change with the gender:
- un niño feliz - una niña feliz - a happy boy - a happy girl
Invariable adjectives can end in vowel (all except –o) or in consonant (–l, –n, –r, –s, –z). Some invariable adjectives are ...
- finished in -a: hipócrita (hypocritical), rosa (pink), violeta (violet), naranja (orange).
- finished in –ista, refiriéndose a profesiones y descripción de personas: electricista (electrical), coleccionista (collector), feminista (feminist), egoísta (selfish).
- finished in -e: inteligente (intelligent), triste (sad), grande (big), doble (double), verde (green), dulce (sweet), pobre (poor), posible (posible), londinense (London), canadiense (Canadian).
- finished in –ble: lavable (washable), reciclable (recyclable).
- finished in –ante: interesante (interesting), brillante (brilliant).
- finished in –í: they usually refer to nationalities: marroquí (Moroccan), iraní (Iranian), paquistaní (Pakistani).
- finished in –l: fácil (easy), azul (blue), total (total), débil (weak), parcial (partial), general (general), habitual (habitual).
- finished in -n: virgen (virgin), jóven (young).
- finished in -r: particular (particular), familiar (familiar), muscular (muscular).
- finished in –s: gris (grey).
- finished in -z: feliz (happy), veloz (fast).
As you can see, there are some rules and many exceptions. Don't worry. Remember this page and consult it if in doubt!
Adjectives: singular and plural
The plural of adjectives is formed in the same way as the plural of nouns.
If the adjective ends in a vowel, –s is added:
- alta -> altas (tall (fem))
- verde -> verdes (green)
- feo -> feos (ugly)
If it ends in a consonant, adds –es:
- azul -> azules (blue)
- joven -> jóvenes (young)
If the consonant is –z, changes into –c and ads -es:
- feliz -> felices (Happy)
- feroz -> feroces (ferocious)
Now it's your turn
Choose the correct adjective