Greet and introduce in Spanish

- Saludarse y presentarse en español

We will read two short dialogues first. We will learn to greet each other and introduce ourselves in Spanish.


- Hola, ¿cómo estás? -- Hello! How are you?

- Bien, ¿y tú? -- Fine. And you?

- Muy bien, gracias. -- Very well, thank you.


- Me llamo Daniel. ¿Cómo te llamas? -- My name is Daniel. What's your name?

- Yo soy Rosana. -- I'm Rosana

Listen to this short dialogue

salutarsi e presentarsi

Greet in a formal way

You should use the formal way with people you don't know well or people you owe respect to or who are your superiors (e.g. a professor, your boss, anyone in a position of authority).

In these situations, you call someone by their surname preceded by Señor (Mr), Señora (Mrs) or Señorita (Miss).

- Buenas tardes, mi nombre es Marta Aguilar. ¿Cuál es su nombre?

- Buenos tardes, Sra. Aguilar. Mi nombre es Manuel López.

- Encantado de conocerlo, Sr. López

- Mucho gusto

Frequently used expressions

Greeting upon arrival

- ¡Hola! - Hello!

- Buen día - Good morning

- Buenas tardes - Good afternoon

- Buenas noches - Good evening

" Hola " is used in informal situations while the rest can be used in both formal and informal greetings.

We say goodbye

- ¡Chau! - Goobye!

- Nos vemos - See you

- ¡Adiós! - Goobye!

- Hasta pronto - See you soon

- Hasta mañana - See you tomorrow

"Chau" and "Nos vemos" are used in informal situations while the rest can be used in both formal and informal greetings


Thanks for the photos Alan Quirvan on Unsplash