The future with the expression IR A + infinitive

- Futuro con la expresión IR A + infinitivo

One way of referring to the future, in Spanish, is the construction formed by:

  • the verb "IR" conjugated in the present tense (which tells us WHO performs the action) +
  • the preposition "A" +
  • the infinitive verb that will be the verb that expresses the real future action.

Vamos a estudiar español - We are going to study spanish

Ellos van a cenar juntos el sábado - They are going to have dinner together on Saturday

As you can see, in this construction the verb "IR" does not have the function of "going" but rather of auxiliary of the future.

Remember that the verb "IR" is irregular. We remind you of the conjugation in the present tense.

Él / Ella
Nosotros / nosotras
Vosotros / vosotras
Ellos / ellas

We use this structure for:

  • talking about current plans or intentions for the future
    Mañana voy a ir al dentista - I'm going to the dentist tomorrow
  • To refer to something that, under the current circumstances, seems certain to happen
    El cielo se ha puesto muy negro, creo que va a llover. - Il cielo è diventato molto nero, penso che stia per piovere.

There may be sentences with two "IR": the first, conjugated, with an auxiliary function, and the second with a "IR" function:

El mes próximo vamos a ir de vacaciones a España. - We're going on vacation next month Spain.

Negative and interrogative

Now let's see how the interrogative and negative form of this periphrasis is constructed:

The negative is formed by placing the adverb "NO" before the auxiliary "IR".

Yo no voy a trabajar el domingo. - I am not going to work on Sunday.

Ellas no van a venir a tu fiesta. - They are not going to come to your party.

The question can be formed by adding question marks at the beginning and end of the sentence and changing the intonation.

¿Vas a comer? - Are you going to eat?

Another way to ask is to use interrogative pronouns.

¿Dónde van a ir en las vacaciones de verano? - Where are you going to go on summer vacation?

¿Cuánto dinero van a gastar? - How much money are they going to spend?


- ¿Qué vas a hacer el próximo fin de semana?

- El próximo fin de semana no voy al cine, voy a jugar al fútbol.

- What are you going to do next weekend?

- Next weekend I'm not going to the movies, I'm going to play soccer.

Expressions with reflexive infinitives

In the case of reflexive infinitives there are some important changes.

The pronoun can be placed before the verb to go or after the infinitive and attached to it.

Let's see it with examples of the verb to wash:

  • Esta tarde me voy a lavar.
  • Esta tarde voy a lavarme.
  • This afternoon I'm going to wash.

Both options are correct.

Other examples are:

Se van a acostar temprano.

Van a acostarse temprano.

They are going to go to bed early.

Te vas a aburrir.

Vas a aburrirte.

You will be bored.

Online exercises

Conjugate the verb "ir" and use the verb in brackets to write sentences in the future tense, like in the following example.

Nosotras ________ el pan. (comprar)

Nosotras VAMOS A COMPRAR el pan.

1 - Tú    con el jefe. (hablar)

2 - Yo    un café. (tomar)

3 - Vosotros     la radio. (escuchar)

4 - Ellas    la hora. (preguntar)

5 - Yo     al tren. (subir)

6 - El    a leer un libro. (empezar)

7 - Ellos no    juntos. (viajar)

8 - ¿Tú cuando    ? (regresar)

9 - Ella     mucho. (aburrir*)

10 - Yo no    temprano. (levantar*)

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